Pavol Jozef Safarik University (Kosice, Slovakia)
The key mission of UPJS is to provide higher education based on the newest scientific findings in a wide international context, following the European trends and goals laid down in the Bologna Declaration and other documents.
About UPJS
At present the University has five faculties – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration and Faculty of Arts – which prepare physicians and dentists, experts in natural sciences, mathematics and informatics, teachers, lawyers, specialists for public administration and specialists for psychology, philosophy and theory of communication.
Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice (UPJS) belongs to accomplished institutions of education and science in Slovakia. At the present time, UPJS has five faculties – Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Law, Faculty of Public Administration and Faculty of Arts – that prepare physicians and dentists, experts in natural sciences, mathematics and informatics, teachers, lawyers, specialists for public administration and specialists for psychology, philosophy and theory of communication. The graduates of UPJS, which is the second oldest in Slovakia, have a very good reputation all over the world.
The key mission of UPJS is to provide higher education based on the newest scientific findings in a wide international context, following the European trends and goals laid down in the Bologna Declaration and other documents. Developing a harmonious personality by its knowledge improvement, wisdom and creativity rise in a person, the UPJS fulfils its mission. The students are being led to tolerance, critical and independent way of thinking, self-confidence and national awareness.
The University provides education in three main cycles ‐ bachelor’s, master’s, doctor´s and PhD. studies in different fields. The process of education is provided in both, Slovak and English language. UPJS provides higher education based on the newest scientific findings in a wide international context and cooperates very intensively with academic institutions all around the world.
UPJS provides service to the community by spreading the knowledge through the means of research and development, regional and national activities support and providing learning society with a continuing education. UPJS thus contributes to the development of culture and education of the public.
UPJS regularly participates in projects schemes funded by European Union. During last 5 years their researchers finished or started to work on 43 EU research grants (over 150 mil. €). 8 of these projects were directly oriented on innovation in education, curriculums, interactive teaching tools and modern ICT. Faculty of medicine at UPJS was involved in all of them. Furthermore, FM UPJS is actively involved in MEFANET project and its activities oriented on improvement of medical education using modern techniques and approaches.