Associated Partners
In order to achieve its goals and to have the highest exposure, needed to promote the project and to disseminate the results, the CLEVER project will link with two important regional educational networks: MEFANET and RoEduNet.In order to achieve its goals and to have the highest exposure, needed to promote the project and to disseminate the results, the CLEVER project will link with two important regional educational networks: MEFANET and RoEduNet.
These networks are associated with the partner institutions strongly.

MEFANET (MEdical FAculties NETwork) has evolved from its local beginnings in the years of 2006 and 2007 directly to an international network.
Today, all of eleven medical faculties in the Czechia and Slovakia are included in the network. Recently, further four faculties – focused on healthcare and biomedical sciences – have also entered MEFANET.
Nowadays, the network organizes its own annual conference, publishes a scientific journal and collaborates with other bodies throughout Europe.
The cooperation in the network is contractually guaranteed – the establishing cooperation agreement was signed by all the deans of the medical faculties in 2009.
For the CLEVER project, MEFANET will provide:
- substantial space of the MEFANET conference, in order to organize a workshop – one of two anticipated dissemination events;
- space for editorial material in the scholarly journal “MEFANET Journal” (ISSN 1805-9163-print, ISSN 1805-9171-online);
- experience and know-how on implementing ICT platforms for virtual patients and other serious games besides other e-learning systems at multiple institutions.

RoEduNet is a Romanian educational and research network NREN, member of the European research and education network GÉANT. The network is under the administration of the Administration Agency of the National Network for Education and Informatics Research, AARNIEC. RoEduNet has the unique infrastructure that connects all universities and many high schools from Romania.
For the CLEVER project, RoEduNet represents a suitable communication infrastructure in the Romanian academic environment, enabling:
- dissemination the CLEVER project information to all Romanian universities through services as personalized mail, RoEduNet newsletter and RoEduNet events;
- high-availability hosting of the virtual patient delivery system and the developed cases.
For CLEVER project, RoEduNet represents the best communication infrastructure and services in Romanian academic environment such as:
- dissemination the CLEVER project information to all Romanian medical universities through services as personalized mail, RoEduNet newsletter and RoEdu events;
- will provide a colocation center for the virtual cases and the ICT platform developed during Clever project in order to be available at highest speed possible;
- support in installation, configuring and managing ICT platform using their huge experience in server and software management.
These two educational networks represent the best infrastructure to deliver the methods and the VPCs that will be created during
CLEVER to all similar universities from the three countries and, also, to other European universities.
Both MEFANET and RoEduNet networks will be used by CLEVER as forums for dissemination of the project results on the regional and European level.
Other letters of support come from the following professional medical societies or departments: Surgery, Neurosurgery, Ophthalmology, Dermatology, Vascular Surgery, Cardiac Surgery, Emergency Medicine, Neonatology, Medical Semiology and Gastroenterology.
They will provide the scientific support for the VPCs that will be developed and will verify the scientific accuracy of all scientific content that will be created.
The know-how of MU and UPJS in the field of creating and managing the VPCs will be used during the process of making new VPCs that will be developed and used by all three partners during their teaching and assessment activities.